Upcoming Online Events

Xpand Online Events

Check out the upcoming online events we have. You can join each event individually or sign up for the membership to get full access to all of them and so much more.


Our Hosts

Are experts in their fields and have a wealth of knowledge to share. They will provide guidance and support to help you reach your goals and create positive changes in your life. Whether you are looking to improve your physical health, mental wellbeing, relationships or lifestyle design, our facilitators have the skills and expertise to help you reach your goals.

online community for personal development hostt

Natalia Anja

Natalia is an avid traveller and community builder. She runs in-person & online workshops to create a deeper connection with Self to enable us to make a bigger impact on the

personal development online community host

Brady Hedlund

Brady is a serial entrepreneur, with a mission to inspire people to live a full meaningful life through experience creation, coaching and developing community spaces.


Yes! Join at any point and your membership will start that day. You'll get immediate access to our online portal and community, the events, challenges and an accountability partner. 

Yes, if you can't make it live, all of the events will be recorded and you'll be able to access them on your own time.

The online events will be interactive and educational workshops surrounding the following topics: business & entrepreneurship, mindfulness (including things like yoga, breathwork & meditation), sex & relationships, lifestyle design and anything else that may help you in your journey to expand yourself, expand your happiness, and expand your life.

JULY 31 - Bonus Goal Setting Workshop


Tues Aug 1 

Tues Aug 15 

Tues Aug 29

Thurs Aug 31 Bonus Goal Setting Workshop 


Tues Sep 12    

Tues Sep 26 

Thurs Sep 28 Bonus Goal Setting Workshop 


Tues Oct 10 

Tues Oct 24 

Thurs Oct 26 Bonus Goal Setting Workshop

There's a monthly and annual payment option for you to choose from. Both include a 30 day free trial to check out the community before paying a dime. We also offer a money back guarantee, so if you're not happy with the membership, we'll refund you :).

What is Xpand Community?


A little corner of the internet where we learn, grow and belong - if you are looking for direction, tools to grow or a place to get motivated - this is a perfect place for you!

Community & Connection

No matter what you are building – carefully craft every moment of your story online. Brands built with love are the ones that stand out.

Education & Growth

No matter what you are building – carefully craft every moment of your story online. Brands built with love are the ones that stand out.

Impact & Giving Back

Playfulness & Joy

Check Out the Membership