Costa Rica·1 June - 5 July 2024

Regenerative Development Funding Foundations Program

Go From Vision to Investor Ready in 5 Weeks



Do you have a compelling vision to build a regenerative community, but feel unclear on how to turn that vision into an investor offering that magnetizes professional real estate fund managers and investors? This program will walk you step by step through every detail of the investment preparation process, so you feel confident to present your project to investors with beautifully-branded, professional presentation materials including development plan, financial plan, business plan, and pitch deck.


Kelly Krezek

Kelly Krezek

Kelly has 12 years of experience in financial planning, real estate investing, and sustainable community development. She has traveled to over 60 eco-communities across 7 countries and 3 continents and she has worked on 14 real estate development projects ranging from $5M to $400M in size. Kelly personally has raised millions of dollars for real estate projects and is currently working on regenerative development projects in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 

Joe McVeen

Joe McVeen

As Co-Founder and COO of New Earth Development, Joe brings 9 years of experience in launching purpose-driven brands and engineering global solutions to provide strategic direction, communication strategy, business development strategy, process engineering and team leadership towards accelerating the global adoption of thriving regenerative community design across the real estate development industry, as part of his lifelong mission to liberate human potential.

Lance Stukaloff

Lance Stukaloff

As Chief Investment Officer of New Earth Development, Lance brings 10 years of experience across the real estate development and financing industry coupled with a unique ability to smoothly communicate technical information in a way that easily builds trust with both institutional and individual investors.  He brings powerful investor relations insights learned from arranging $750M in equity and debt financing for real estate developments and projects across the United States throughout his career. 


Open enrollment - Go at your own pace




Module 1 – Vision and Mission Alignment

Clarify the bigger picture that will keep you and your dream team motivated every day to accomplish your dream. When you know your vision clearly, you make decisions congruent with your big picture and magnetize the stakeholders you need to make your project actualize.

  • Guided Visualization Meditation to Connect You to Your Highest Vision for Your Project 
  • Divine Mission Alignment Exercises 
  • Daily Integration Practices to Embody Your Mission 
  • Exercises & Examples for Communicating Your Vision, Mission, Purpose, Values and Goals to All Stakeholders 
  • Inspiration from Other Communities & How to Find Them 
  • Templates to Create Your Vision Documents for Your Project 


Development & Financial Planning

Learn how to create a development and financial plan for your project so that you can know what to build and look at the projections, which will give you and your investors complete certainty and confidence in its feasibility. 

  • Auto-Generate Your Project’s Financial Model & Pro-formas Using Our Custom Model 
  • Land Site Criteria & Due Diligence 
  • Choose Your Regenerative Development Type
  • Understand the Development Process 
  •  Learn about Regenerative Development Features 
  • Assess Hard Costs, Site Work, Soft Costs, Marketing & More 
  • Assess your Revenue Generation Streams 
  • Finding Residential & Commercial Comparables 
  • Detailed Investment Analysis with Equity Waterfall and Cash Flow 
  • Distributions for Limited & General Partners 

Business Planning

We walk you through your business plan for the project, which will help you and your investors feel that the project is truly grounded in reality with a clear execution plan to be followed once investment is raised. 

  • 96 Page Business Plan Template with Our Concepts Written Out & Professionally Designed
  • Executive Summary, Vision & Mission, Guiding Principles 
  • Location & Site Context, Economic Analysis, Geographical Advantages 
  • Master Plan Layout, Land Features, Weather 
  • Regulatory & Political Situation, Business Licenses & Regulations, Taxation, Labor Standards, Insurance and Liability 
  • Regenerative Buildings & Amenities, Regenerative Systems, Community Operations, Community Impact, Regenerative Building & Permaculture 
  • Team & Partnerships, Phases of Development, Market Research, Competitive Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Marketing Plan 
  • Financial Summary & Investment Opportunity 
  • Practices to Inspire your Creativity & Depth 

Presentation & Pitch Creation

We help you prepare your presentation to investors by creating a pitch deck that follows a presentation story that will intrigue your ideal investor and invite them to learn more, allowing you to create an automated investor marketing funnel, as our first deck was shared organically to over 200 investor leads without us doing any marketing. 

  • Support for Pitch Presentation & Storyboard
  •  Professionally Designed Templates for your Pitch Deck 
  • Revenue Stream Breakdown & Addressable Market 
  • Investment Opportunity Presentation 
  • Wix Website Example for all your Project Features 
  • Typeform Questions for Residents & Investors 


Funding Strategies

Learn to feel confident crafting an irresistible offer for investors which is backed up by your financials and business plan, so you find yourself with the luxury of choosing investors from a place of abundance rather than scarcity. 

  • Investor Relations Mindset Training 
  • Optimize Your Investment Offering 
  • 8 Fundraising & 6 Financing Strategies 
  • Connecting with the Right Lawyer 
  • Entity Formation & Structuring 
  • Risk Minimization Strategies 
  • Investor Marketing Strategy
  • Easy Ways To Find 100’s of Investors
  • Investment Document Templates 

What's Included

What's Included

5 Modules covering each of the 5 elements of raising funding for your regenerative community development project

59 Video Lessons Supported by 188 Visual Slides and Template Screen Shares

18 Hours of Deeply Valuable Content

28 Years of Knowledge-Rich Experience

Practical Steps & Detailed Content for Preparing to Raise Funding

Real Eco-Community Development Examples

Resources and Exercises for Implementation of All 5 Elements

Vision & Mission Clarification Exercises

Regenerative Development Planning & Financial Model Templates

Professionally-Designed Business Plan with All the Sections Ready for Your Content

Professionally-Designed Pitch Deck Template Ready for Your Story

Investment Analysis & Charts for Use of Funds, Valuation, ROI, IRR, EMx, Revenue Streams

Pro Forma Summary

Cash Flow Projections: Annual 20 year & Monthly 10 year

Online Community Gathering Space to Connect with other founders in the program

Twice-monthly live Q&A calls with the New Earth Development team


  • Millions of dollars of unforeseen development mistakes
  • Frustration from an under-capitalized dream
  • Overwhelm from the process 
  • Lack of support trying to figure out the investment raise process 
  • Lack of confidence in your project’s financial value
  • Thousands of hours trying to figure this all out on your own 
  • Not knowing how or where to find investors 
  • Learn the lifelong ability of framing a real estate investment opportunity 
  • Develop confidence to professionally present your dreams 
  • Deepen your alignment to your divine mission Know how to find investors 
  • Learn legal and funding strategies 
  • Create an entire development plan for a real estate development project 
  • Evolve your capacity to organize and plan your community 
  • Confidence boost in investor conversations 
  • Get all of your investor materials ready to share and make your offering 
Regenerative Development Funding Foundations Program

Costa Rica · 1 June - 5 July 2024