Indonesia·15 - 22 December 2023


Ignite the fire within you



An 8-day transformational retreat to ignite your leadership potential and activate every area of your life with passion, play, and purpose. ARE YOU READY TO UNEARTH YOUR INNER TRUTH AND LIVE LIFE UNAPOLOGETICALLY ON YOUR OWN TERMS? You’re invited to I Am Creation: an 8-day retreat at a boutique Balinese resort for entrepreneurs and business executives seeking inspiration, evolution, connection and clarity. At this must-attend event, you’ll make lifelong friends, meet strategic business partners, and clear out anything in your way of reaching a life of freedom, abundance, and purpose.


Business, Wealth, & Leadership Activation

Business, Wealth, & Leadership Activation

The first 3 days of the retreat will be specifically geared to supporting your entrepreneurial growth. You’ll learn from master entrepreneurs who’ve hacked the balance between creative vision, playfulness, and wild financial abundance. If you are ready to make more money with more joy, flow, leadership and impact, this series of workshops will be your guide.

9D Breathwork Experience

9D Breathwork Experience

Master the art of letting go and break free from the weight of past traumas with this groundbreaking odyssey of breath. Fusing somatic breathwork, binaural brain entrainment, 432Hz harmonic tuning, subliminal hypnotic therapy, and guided vocal coaching, you’ll be immersed in a cocoon of multidimensional HD sound, activating forgiveness, self-love, acceptance, and resilience.

Dinner in Darkness

Dinner in Darkness

Prepare for an immersive dining experience where whispers of flavor, fragrant aromas, and tactile sensations unite. You’ll surrender to your senses and indulge in intrigue and mystery—all in the absence of light.

Tantra & Meditation

Tantra & Meditation

Tantra is an ancient practice that connects the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of who you are. You’ll explore the rich tapestry of your body, emotions, and energy through tools based in conscious awareness and connection. These practices are a powerful key to deepening your relationship to yourself and others through your body’s innate wisdom.

Soul Awakening Journey

Soul Awakening Journey

This experience is the perfect opportunity to gain clarity on your next steps, expand your capacity to heal, embrace the full spectrum of emotions, release the past, and grow in a safe, sacred space. You’ll be guided to a state of elevated consciousness and deep self-love, as you witness the miracle of who you are and tap into your gifts like never before.

Ice Bath Experience

Ice Bath Experience

Oftentimes fear is stored in your cellular memory and can hold you back without you even realizing it. This practice is specifically designed to reprogram your mind and help you push through your fear and limitations while being 100% held in the process. You’ll tap into a level of inner strength and resilience that will propel you on your journey to growth and healing.

Closing Ceremony Celebration

Closing Ceremony Celebration

On our last night, you’ll join the party of the year—a festive eruption of Ecstatic Dance, live music, and many surprises. Get ready to embark on a journey of ecstatic bliss and unforgettable memories, where the energy of the dance floor merges with the power of genuine friendships.


Meet your host and team of expert facilitators



I’m Alena, and I know what it’s like to go from being isolated and burnt out to feeling ignited by my true purpose.  

For 10 years, I worked for the biggest company in the Ukraine, scaling my way up the corporate ladder. From the outside, it looked like I had it all: the dream job, the money, and the chance to travel the world. But inside, I felt trapped and depleted. I buried myself in endless work days, trudging through my routine and ignoring my self-care. But I refused to believe that this was all life had in store for me. I then attended my first transformational retreat. Despite having NO idea what to expect, my life changed forever.  

It felt like drinking a golden nectar of abundance—I was liberated from fear, limiting beliefs, and other people’s definition of “success.”  

I quit my job and started my own business in Estonia, turning down recruiters from top American and European companies. Despite not knowing “how”, I launched my company in Estonia, stretching into the unshakeable belief that I could do anything.  

Now, the coherence between my mind and heart is the guide for all of my decisions. I run my company from all corners of the world, and we’re recognized by the Estonian department of commerce as one of the top economic contributors. Through all of this, I opened the door to infinite possibilities and embodied leadership as the pathway to building my legacy. Through many more immersive retreats, I discovered a community of people united in the pursuit of an extraordinary life. It was as if every cell in my body danced with newfound energy. I emerged from these events fully aligned with my truest self.  

For the last 4 years I’ve been based in Bali, traveling with my family around the world (*pinch me* —in only the last 5 months we visited TEN countries, and saw 3 out of 7 wonders of the world!). Now, I’m bringing together the most extraordinary facilitators I’ve met all over the world for the I Am Creation experience. I’m finally living my purpose, connecting epic humans together through transformational retreats and festivals, and inspiring entrepreneurs like YOU to awaken their inner power and live life on FIRE. 



Entrepreneur, Connection Expert, Community Leader

With 12 successful business ventures in tech, education, VR, hospitality, and real estate, Joe has a knack for buying and selling businesses. His passion for connecting and empowering communities led him to establish four large communities spanning 52 countries. His events—like the Bali Bloom festival—bring together hundreds of participants. Joe is at the forefront of redefining human connection, having created the first-ever connection framework similar to Myers Briggs. His extensive commitment to community and communication has led him to dedicate his life to bringing more happiness into the world through healthier relationships



Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author, founder of Live Life Activated

Michael is an acclaimed guide for entrepreneurs seeking purpose, growth, authenticity, and connection. In his best-selling book Chasing The High, he shares his story of overcoming addiction and evolving from an empty pursuit of success to fulfillment, vitality, and health. An expert in transformational retreat facilitation, Michael specialises in helping leaders express their mission and create impact and legacy.



Founder of Tantra Nectar University, Tantra Yoga and Meditation Master

Born in India, Satyarthi spent over two decades honing his skills under revered masters and healing arts schools. His diverse experience includes serving as CEO of several big financial companies, bringing meditation to the corporate world. Since 2014, he has taught at more than 250 events, reaching over 10,000 students worldwide. He’s a world-renowned teacher, leader and entrepreneur.  



Co-Founder of YogiLab and Founder and Lead Coach of Breath Masters

Recognized internationally as a pioneer in the field of breathwork, Brian developed a renowned, mind-bending signature breathwork method unlike anything you’ve experienced before. He’s also the Co-Founder of YogiLab, a Bali-Based personal development platform. Brian will support you in shedding the weight of the past so you can experience self-love, liberation, acceptance, balance, and peace. 



Shamanic Energy Healer, Breakthrough Change Coach

The creator of the Heart Consciousness Hack method and Alchemy of Dance Embodiment, Nicole is an experienced healer certified in numerous modalities.  She broke free from a successful corporate career to pursue her soul’s calling as a healer. Nicole will help you become a true architect of your life, step into your soul’s gifts and power, align your inner and outer world, and come alive with happiness and freedom.  



Tantra Retreat Host, Dinner in Darkness Creator

Known as “The Woman with the Most Tender Embrace in the World,” Katerina bridges the material and sensual realms through the magic of tantra, tantric massage, and meditation, having studied under master teachers. Through her immersive, activating experiences, she will guide you to enter a profound meditative space, so you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, soul reclamation, and personal awakening.



Transformation Catalyst and Inner Freedom Consultant, Best-Selling Author

Mateo is a psychologist, best-selling author, and engineer specialized in complex and developmental trauma.  For more than a decade he’s explored diverse states of consciousness through spiritual mentors, traditions, and solitary retreats. He draws upon his extensive 15-year experience to guide people from all backgrounds to break free from limitations and dogma with wildness, authenticity, and compassion.



Bioharmonic Technologies Founder and President, Author

Dr. Steven Schwartz  is a visionary technology designer, sonic alchemist and evolutionary performance expert, who has developed numerous vibrational-based technologies and biofeedback systems. His passion is supporting people on their journey to achieve greatness, knowing that the more you believe in your potential, the more humanity can evolve as a collective species. 


Our program combines science-backed breakthrough technologies and cutting-edge personal development tools.





7:30-8:30AM Daily morning movement sessions to connect to your body. 



9AM A delicious and energising meal to start the day. 



10AM Enjoy diverse content sessions from experienced facilitators. 



1PM Gourmet meal prepared by local chef. 



2:30PM Enjoy diverse content sessions from experienced facilitators. 



5:30PM Wind down, hang out and chill.



7PM Gourmet meal prepared by local chef. 



8PM Daily surprises to integrate the day's experiences and celebrate with playfulness and joy. 

What's Included

What's Included

8 days in a luxury private or shared accommodations (hello, swimming pools!)

Delicious organic meals, prepared by a local chef

Snacks and fruit to nourish your body plus coffee and tea

Access to the Gym, Sauna, Jacuzzi, Billiard room

All transportation in Bali + airport transfers for a seamless travel experience

Meet-and-assist airport service including a fast track and visa to Indonesia

One-time private Balinese massage to relax your body and mind

Daily life-changing content sessions

A community of soon-to-be best friends

Spontaneous surprises and adventures

Epic celebration with live music and dancing

Memories that will burn bright in your mind for a lifetime


Indonesia · 15 - 22 December 2023