The Power of Projections

Learn how to transmute both the positive and negative patterns in your life so that you can live more happy, fulfilled and free

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September 19th, 2023 6pm-7:30pm PST

During the workshop, you'll:

  • Create the life of your dreams by bringing awareness to your subconscious mind and limiting thoughts. 
  • Learn how to rewire your mind so that it's working for you.
  • Explore positive projections- how to use people that inspire you as motivation towards living a life thats more aligned with your soul.
  • Explore negative projections- how to use both your judgements & triggers for stepping stones towards your freedom instead of wallowing in negativity.
  • Have the opportunity to be coached 1:1 through any blocks that may be holding you back

Transmute both the positive and negative patterns in your life

Learn the power of using life as your mirror and exactly how to decipher both the "good" and "bad" things as they happen, as clues to living your best life. Samantha will guide you through a powerful process to help you maneuver the way you see the world so that you can reframe any situation towards your advantage. There will also be space for spot coaching, to help you work through any blocks that may be coming up.

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About The Facilitator

Samantha Ruberto

Samantha is an intuitive mindset coach. Her mission is to help others to listen to the whispers of their hearts and consciously cultivate a life beyond their wildest dreams. She sincerely hopes that one day when you look back at your time on earth you’re proud of the life you’ve lived and the person you’ve become.

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Create the life you have been dreaming of!

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment? Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life!