Community Connection Call

Share, Learn and Grow in an interactive format focused on deeper human connection 

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November 14, 2023 6pm-7pm PST

During the call, you'll:

  • Share about yourself and what is currently happening in your life. 
  • Listen and understand whats alive in other peoples lives. 
  • Connect with others in a much deeper way. 
  • Learn more about yourself and others

Connect with like-minded people

Are you ready to embark on a journey of meaningful connections with like-minded individuals? Our upcoming community connection call is tailor-made to foster profound bonds and enrich your sense of community.

These connection calls are meticulously designed to help you forge deeper connections. Through a series of engaging exercises and thought-provoking prompts, we aim to create a space where genuine depth in conversation can flourish. It's an opportunity to explore shared interests, experiences, and aspirations in a more profound and authentic way.

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About The Facilitator

Brady Hedlund

After 15 years of travelling the world while running a successful travel company Brady has shifted his focus to personal development, health and wellness both for himself and also sharing this with others. He has explored nearly every different modality and loves to support others on their journey of self development. 

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Create the life you have been dreaming of!